By engaging in any transaction with Soulchology, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined throughout Policies.
Payments, bookings, reschedules and cancellations
Data and Copyright
My approach is rooted in professional and personal experience, reality and action, and based upon my qualifications and skills gained over my 35 year career, 50 years on this planet and many other previous lifetime hangovers.
My work is trauma-informed so whilst I’m not an instituionalised ‘Mental Health Professional’, I am able to hold space and remain sensitive to any trauma that arises during our sessions together, whilst drawing upon my knowledge gained from trauma-focused certificates in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, NLP, Coaching and other holistic modalities. It may be that I suggest referring you to and/or help you find a mental health professional / therapist if we agree you would benefit from one.
I endeavour to remain simultaneously grounded by research and intuitively sharp, laced with down to earth humour and approachability. My approach references somatic practices, trauma sensitivity, attachment theory and spirituality. My Level 4 coaching diploma qualification is recognised with the Association for Coaching and despite choosing to cease my several-year membership due to their business changes, I remain aligned with their ethics and code of conduct.
Alongside coaching, I incorporate art journaling, trauma sensitive mindfulness, spiritual practices, and respect the psychological and psycho-therapeutic teachings of Matthew McKay, David Treleaven, Russ Harris, Peter Levine, Babette Rothschild, Pat Ogden, Nathanial Branden, Julia Cameron and Susan Anderson, to the mineralogical and spiritual work of Michael Newton, Paul Gilbert, Judy Hall, and my own mentors and coaches.
2. Generally
As with most things in life, coaching doesn’t come with a guarantee or a promised outcome - simply because we are all accountable for our own actions and not the actions of others. The outcome is entirely your responsibility as every one of us is in choice. However, I do take full responsibility to, at all times, apply my knowledge and skills for your highest of good. I am dedicated to your transformative change and improvement based on your session intention and goals.
Coaching works when applied and received with dedication, intention and commitment to the journey and desired outcome. For some, improvement is noticed within a very short space of time, whilst for others it may take longer. That’s ok because your path is unique to you. All shifts can range from feeling joyous and revelatory with epiphanies and dolphins singing, whilst simultaneously feeling discombobulated whilst uncertain aspects are faced and long held beliefs are challenged. We do this together and you can be guaranteed of guidance and support whilst you work through it all on your way to becoming full-on all-bells-and-whistles you.
You are fully responsible for your well-being during sessions including all choices and decisions. All comments and suggestions offered by me are solely for the purpose of meeting your self defined goals.
My work is not to be viewed as a replacement for professional medical (physical or psychological) care and is not for diagnostic or curing purposes. In some cases, I may suggest that it is in your best interests to seek alternative help in the form of a specialised therapist or medical practitioner. Whilst my work can be beneficial alongside other therapy, it is not intended to be the route to overcome major emotional, addictive or psychological distress or replace any form of treatment.
Upon undertaking a booking with me, I ask that you understand the above and agree that under no circumstances must you commence any session whilst under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs and you agree to be at least 72 hours clear of recreational drug use. If it becomes apparent that you are intoxicated, the session will immediately cease and you will not be entitled to be reimbursed. In addition, no threatening or abusive behaviour will be tolerated whatsoever with the same consequences applying and the session booking will be cancelled. These conditions are in place to reflect my professional and personal boundaries, code of ethics, professional expertise and to eliminate all risk.
Currently, coaching is an unregulated profession although thankfully this is changing. As I said above, I am aligned with the Association for Coaching; a not-for-profit professional body dedicated to promoting best practice, raising awareness and the standards of coaching excellence worldwide, and whilst ceasing direct membership with them, I still abide by their code of conduct and ethics which means that I meet their required level of professional certification and continual professional development.
All work, together with information and communications contained within sessions, on this website, email or otherwise delivered by me, are intended to assist you in identifying areas within your life; physically, energetically and emotionally, together with the thought processes that may be hindering you from living the life you want to live.
3.Payments, Bookings, Reschedules + Cancellations
Payment for services are due at the time of booking in order to retain the focus on the service I provide. Please use the booking page and select the service you would like, confirm with payment and you will receive an immediate emailed receipt via Squarespace. Upon receiving your booking, I will contact you via the details you provide to arrange your session.
Your confirmation by payment reserves your booking time and therefore being on time is important. I will be unable to offer make up time outside of your booking in the event of delays resulting in your late arrival. A no-show will count as a session and thus no refund or rearrangement will be made.
If you are unable to keep your session time and advise me of this with 24 hours notice, I will happily rearrange your session. If the timescale is under 24 hours, it is unlikely that I will be able to accommodate a last minute change which will result in your lost session. I do however, always endeavour to be flexible where time allows for illness, emergency circumstances or Mercury Retrogrades…(!) although naturally cannot promise due to a full schedule.
In the rare instance of a technical issue arising from my end during an online session, a rescheduled time will be offered. If however the bandwidth or troubleshooting difficulties are at your end, please be aware this will be within your session time and no alternative replacement session will be offered.
I reserve the right to discontinue a current session or agreement if there is inappropriate, disrespectful or reckless behaviour without reimbursement.
All sessions, including gift certificates, are valid for six months from booking. Sessions are not transferable unless agreed by me in writing, or available for reimbursement due to a change of mind. Refunds will only be provided in extenuating circumstances, in writing, and at my discretion.
4. Data + Copyright
I hold very little information about you which does not extend past the information you provide at time of booking. I do not have an ‘in-take’ form like many, and instead make abbreviated initials on a chart I’ve created so I can refer to them in future sessions with you.
Any limited digital information I hold is managed with thought, respect and confidentially with fingerprint recognition and an additional password-protected file. However, I request you to understand that technology it not guaranteed to be secure and you accept the risks associated with the details you provide at booking for the purposes of delivering services to you either by email, text, phone, and third party applications such as Skype, Dropbox, Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom, Substack, Squarespace or Hnry for invoice tax purposes.
I support GDPR which is there to give you control over how your data is used and controlled. I therefore endeavour to remain compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at all times and I’m registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a Data Controller. If you require a copy of, or the information I hold about you to be deleted, please contact me where I will respond to all legitimate requests within 30 days. Furthermore, every email generated from my mailing list on Substack will carry an obvious unsubscribe link. This does not include personal correspondence we enter into.
I do not share your session information, not even with my previous Scholarship Partner, Scendent. However, if you report or threaten abuse, neglect or harm to yourself or anyone else, I may need to take necessary actions, therefore limiting your confidentiality in this instance. In addition, if I’m instructed by a court to testify and supply information, I will need to do so to the extent that is required by law.
I use Squarespace Cookies for the purpose of website analysis and activity via the Squarespace platform only. Your IP address or location may be collected by Squarespace for this purpose but can’t be used to identify you. If you wish to check these out, you can find their Squarespace cookie policy here, their cookie functional uses here and their Privacy Policy here.
All rights are reserved which means I retain the intellectual property rights for all content relating to Alison Jeavons at Soulchology New Zealand unless otherwise stated. Nothing may be copied, distributed or used for commercial purposes without my consent. However, I have created this site to be informative, helpful, motivating and inspiring, so please feel free to share my work as long as I am credited and a link to this site is provided.
Any doubts, please drop me a line - thank you.