Full RHETI Enneagram

Full RHETI Enneagram


Enneagram has been around for decades, mostly within businesses and is one of several psychometric profiling tools. However, they’ve come to be used in coaching and therapeutic fields because of their holistic ability to create insight into individual paths for personal growth.

There are short, basic, free tests available online. Many basic tests require sign-up to their provider and will not email you the report. What you are purchasing here is a comprehensive RHETI Enneagram Psychometric Profiling test from the Enneagram Institute with a full report averaging at 17 pages listing your highest score and two secondaries.

I do email your report to you since it’s yours! It is also not a requirement to purchase a Life Path session although that is of course entirely optional. Enneagram almost doubled their fee for this test in March 2024, however I only charge for the test itself plus the handling fees I get charged; offering this as a reputable route you can trust.

The multiple-choice questions have become a valuable tool for gaining insight into your personality and behaviours, that when combined with my spiritual Life Path sessions, identify an even deeper understanding into your motivations, fears, desires and patterns that further enhance a life of authenticity and personal expression. Gain an introduction and validating confirmation for:

  • increased self awareness: insight into why you think, feel and act the way you do

  • improved relationships: better understand the people around you and improve communication, empathy and conflict resolution

  • personal development: work on transforming patterns to break free from limiting beliefs and create healthier behaviours

  • career/purpose guidance: gain insight into career paths based on your personality traits and motivations that help inform your decisions

  • stress management: recognise your triggers for stress and anxiety, allowing for better emotional management that prevent burnout

I used to absorb the investment as part of my Life Path sessions, however some test codes were going unused thus creating waste since the codes are one-time and designated to you. I also wanted to offer these tests as a stand-alone tool that can empower you at your own pace.

When you purchase this test, I will generate a link and code for you to carry out the 144 questions which will take around 45 minutes of uninterrupted you-time to complete. Go easy on the wine whilst doing so ;o)

The generated report will come to me which I will forward to you on your purchase-email with suggestions on how you can work with this alone if this is what you are choosing to do. I do not follow up with you as honour your autonomy, but would be grateful if you could acknowledge the email I send so I know you’ve received it. Check spam in first instance.

Please be aware that if you purchase more than one test, that all reports will be sent to the email you purchase with so privacy considerations need to be factored in with multiple orders.

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